January 8, 2021
General Contractor Full Renovation Services -215 South Barry Olean
Date Issued: January 8, 2021
Walk Through: By Appointment ONLY
Request for Information Due: January 22th, 2021
RFP Due: January 29th, 2021 at 2PM
The Land Bank is currently looking for bids to renovate the following property:
215 South Barry Olean
Proposals must be received by email or mail to the Cattaraugus County Land Bank Corp:
Cattaraugus County Land Bank
Kate O’Stricker
303 Court Street
Little Valley, NY 14755
Note: Submissions must be submitted and received by the date and time listed in the header of this RFP. The Land Bank will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any firm or person in preparing or submitting a proposal.
All requests for information/clarification will be due by the RFI date listed in the header of this RFP. Requests should be made in writing by email to kmostricker@cattco.org and all responses will be shared with prospective bidders upon request.
AWARD OF BID: The contract will be awarded to the vendor submitting the lowest responsive/responsible bid as indicated on the bid form and that meets with all other terms and specifications.